Quick & Easy Black Pepper Chicken Recipe


Craving for something appetising? Want great taste without putting huge efforts into cooking? If yes, then Black Pepper Chicken is a tremendous black pepper sauce recipe that you can go for. Must try this recipe, we are assured that you will like it. You can satiate your hunger in a yummy and convenient way with it. Let us quickly share the recipe with you.


Ingredients For Black Pepper Chicken


        20-ounce chicken

        2 onions, medium-sized & finely chopped

        1-inch ginger finely chopped

        2 green chillies thinly sliced

        5 - 6 pods garlic finely chopped

        1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

        1 teaspoon lime juice or vinegar

        1 tbsp salt (according to taste)

        Olive or any vegetable oil of your choice

        AsianMeals black pepper sauce


Steps For Cooking Black Pepper Chicken


  1. Marinate chicken with lime juice and salt for an hour. Ground pepper can also be added.
  2. Heat the pan with some oil. Put chopped ginger and garlic to fry till they become brown.
  3. Now add thinly sliced onion to the pan. Cook until the onion becomes brown and mixes well.
  4. Now add black pepper sauce and ensure it combines well with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Now add chicken pieces, mix and cook on low flame for 15 minutes.
  6. Close the lid for 5 minutes. Open and keep mixing and close again. Repeat the process till the chicken is cooked well.
  7. When chicken is cooked, garnish with pepper powder and sliced green chillies. Check and add salt if required.
  8. Serve hot. Enjoy one of the most popular black pepper sauce recipes in Malaysia.


Cook Delicious Balck Pepper Chicken With AsianMeals Kitchen Sauces


AsianMeals offers an impressive variety of kitchen sauces and readymade pastes along with black pepper sauce. Explore the range of products now and discover the finest quality kitchen ingredients to make your dishes appetising.


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